New Online Agricultural Vehicle Insurance

At Farm & General we’re incredibly excited to be launching a fully Online Agricultural Vehicle Insurance Policy – from January 2020 you’ll be able to instantly receive quotes and purchase farm vehicle cover, directly from our website.

In fact, we’re so excited that we thought we’d let you know a little more about what we’re doing, and why.

Over the years we’ve wondered why it’s not been possible to insure your farm vehicles online. We can quickly pop online to insure our cars, so why was it taking so long for farm insurance to catch up? We were getting pretty tired of waiting for it to happen, so we did it ourselves.

Although plenty of sites claim to offer online insurance, we believe we’re the only ones who will let you instantly receive a quote and purchase farm vehicle insurance online.*

No calls to brokers; no delay while the quote comes through – you can be insured in a matter of minutes. It’s all about bringing convenience to you by saving time and hassle.

  • Insure your farm vehicles directly at from January 2020.
  • Instantly receive quotes and purchase commercial vehicle insurance.
  • 14 different types of agricultural vehicles can be insured (modern and vintage tractors, telehandlers, quadbikes, etc).
  • Insure up to 10 farm vehicles at a time.
  • Fully Comprehensive or Third Party Fire & Theft.
  • Any permitted driver.

* does not extend to Northern Ireland

Whether it’s your tractor, quadbike, telehandler or even your lawnmower, they can now be fully insured online. Fourteen different types of agricultural vehicles can be covered under the motor policy, and your trailers and implements can be included too, providing insurance cover for wide ranging vehicles in a matter of minutes. 

The concept is simple: all you’ll need is a few spare moments and your vehicle details. Just head to, plug in the relevant details and you’re good to go. You’ll receive a quote and if satisfied you can purchase it immediately.

We’ve designed it to be equally hassle-free for those with agricultural fleets as it is for those with just one. It’s quick, easy to use and at a highly competitive price. Being able to access fleet insurance so quickly makes the mundane, light work.

You can do it at any time, anywhere and using any device. You could do it in front of the TV or out in a field – the choice is yours.

What You Need – Vehicle Details

  • Make
  • Model
  • Year of make
  • Value
  • Registration or Serial Number

The information needed to insure your farm vehicles online is exactly the same as if you were to go down the traditional insurance broker route – but instead of providing it over the phone or by email you can enter it online yourself.

The service will instantly calculate a bespoke quote for you; if you wish to proceed and purchase your agricultural vehicle insurance then you can, straight away. If you’d rather think on it, or seek alternative quotes that’s ok too – the quote will be emailed to you automatically, and you can access it at any time by logging back in.

All the policy documents are available to view on the front page of the site, or by following this link. The policy itself is no different to one you’d usually insure your vehicles with – there are no shortcuts or changes just because it’s online, so you can have the peace of mind that your commercial and agricultural vehicles are correctly covered.

So if you’ve ever wondered how to buy UK tractor insurance online, now you know. To purchase farm vehicle insurance online, or just quickly receive a quote simply head to

Of course our usual, personal service will remain just as it is - so if you prefer to ring up and insure your vehicles that way please do, we always love to hear from you. To chat to one of our team, give us a call on 01590 624399, or email any enquiry to

We hope you find the new service of benefit and feel free to get in touch with any queries you may have.

Get in Touch

Receive instant agricultural vehicle, commercial vehicle, and modern and vintage tractor insurance online or contact our farm insurance specialists for more details. We are dedicated in finding the best cover to suit the needs of your farm or smallholding. Contact us today for more information.